Karen Steward
Designer and Writer in Texas
Karen Steward is the author of the book Doctors: Bound By Secrecy? Victims: Bound By Pain! The book came about as the result of Karen's oldest daughter, Melissa, suffering an agonizing 14 years with excruciating abdominal pain. Leading physicians and specialists insisted Melissa had to learn to "live with the pain." In 2002, exploratory surgery revealed the true culprit behind the agony-adhesions--the young woman's internal organs were fused together. Two surgeries in the USA not only failed, but proved to exacerbate the condition. At her wit's end, Karen soon found help with Dr. Daniel Kruschinski in Braunschweig, Germany. In a mere four-hour surgery, Karen's daughter was finally relieved of her hellish nightmare. Elated, Karen returned to the USA anxious to share with other sufferers that there is hope for this seemingly hopeless condition. She became a strong voice for those who suffer from adhesion related disorder.
With her daughter finally well (2013 marks ten years since her daughter's surgery) Karen continues with ARD awareness, as well as turning her attention to something that was sorely missing from her life for many years-humor. Karen is the CEO of ELM Publishing, Inc. She is the writer and graphic designer for the company. Many of her works are licensed under various manufacturers of wall art, greeting cards and gift items.