Karen Gibson Roc

Poetist, Poet, and Actor in Culver City, California

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Karen Gibson Roc is an astonishment. This poet/spoken word performer and musician is fierce and fearless. A chameleon, she calls herself a "POETIST" or "POETICVOCALIST" A reviewer of one of her live performances once came to the conclusion that Gibson Roc must have something to do with the preservation of the universe. Karen Gibson Roc manages to ask profound questions without making them sound too hard to bear. Instead, her songs are so sweet and consoling that you start to wonder how you can ever do without her music. She seems connected to universal love. Karen Gibson Roc says her main theme “is the evolution of spirit and the truth about following what is your calling here in the physical.” Her objective is “to inspire dream chasing, to uplift hearts, and to open minds.” And that she does. She grabs your soul and never lets go, both through her music, her words, and her spirit.