Katherine Burdick

Tucson, AZ

Katherine Burdick has worked in the education sector for over thirty years. Using her
experiences as a teacher and a school administrator, she has developed a strong track
record of creating leading, educational products while holding marketing and editorial
positions within companies such as Pearson Education and Scholastic Inc. She recently
worked as Vice President of Development at Learning A-Z where she directed the develop-
ment of reading, writing, and science products delivered online. Learning A-Z is a winner
of the distinguished CODiE Award, Teacher's Choice Award, and AEPs Beacon Award.
Currently Katherine serves as President of Mobile Learning Services, a company that creates and markets Apple apps, consults with companies and school districts on mobile learning,
and provides training to new users.

Katherine co-founded the Mobile Learning Experience (MLE) with Tony Vincent and
Arizona K-12. MLE is the first US conference devoted solely to mobile learning
and is held for three days each spring in Phoenix, AZ. In addition, she
reviews educational apps as Mobile iEducator so schools can
make informed decisions when navigating the iTunes store.
Katherine has presented at such prestigious conferences
as SXSW, TCEA, ASCD, CUE and the MLE. Look for her this
June at ASCD in Maryland.

Katherine is passionate about mobile learning
and invites all inquiries.

  • Work
    • Mobile Learning Evangelist
  • Education
    • Masters in Humanities