Kathleen Ellis

Lubbock, Texas

Kathleen Ellis is a driven individual. She is an undergraduate student at the Rawls College of Business at Texas Tech University. She is a management major with a 3.85 GPA. Kathleen's estimated date of graduation is May 2015. Her interests lie within managing people and being a leader in the workplace and her community. Kathleen is a hard worker who will do what it takes to achieve a goal. She works well under pressure and does not cut corners when completing a project. Kathleen will also go out of her way to help others in any way she possibly can. At her current job, Kathleen has been given the recognition of Employee of the Month. Kathleen's ultimate goal is to graduate from Texas Tech University with honors from the Rawls College of Business. From there she hopes to transition to the world of business and work for an established company.

  • Work
    • Main Event Entertainment
  • Education
    • Texas Tech University