Kathleen Wilkes
Ogden, UT
Meet Aspiring Author and Women's Support Advocate, Kathleen (Kat) Wilkes
“On the surface I would be called a “recovering addict”. Recovering from an addiction to ‘opiates’ as the general public would call them. They are just pills and heroine to me….opiates sounds a little silly or pharmaceutical to me. “ -- Kat
Kat’s journey has already marked a page in the Book of Life as one on the “Hero’s Journey” (Campbell). From the absolute social status high of living in a beautiful suburb community with her young family, to the proverbial “hitting rock bottom” and homeless on the coast of California, interspersed with long periods of incarceration on multiple occasions and several ‘rehabs’ and 12-step programs.
Very early in recovery she found healing in writing my own story, opening up numerous opportunities to successfully blog (“What You’re Scared To Say”) and to share her experiences with other women in recovery in the community. Developing and teaching courses on healthy sexuality and self-love, based on her own battle with self-acceptance and self-forgiveness, has broadened her reach and positioned Kat as a singular role-model for other recovering addicts and those struggling with PTSD and all forms of abuse. Kat is a voice of clarity and passion to those ready to wake up from living life in a victim stance.
Kat believes in the healing balm of sisterhood, relating to and finding the ‘soulful’ connection with others. She notes, “It was the women in my communities of incarceration, 12-step programs and rehab that showed me the love I needed in my life”. Her passion is to support women needing support on their own Hero’s Journey through self-acceptance, humor and sharing with one another.
Kat currently works as a Women's Resource Advocate & Instructor for the Bountiful Life Institute.