Kathleen Brockman

Kathleen Brockman

Orlando, Florida area director for Total Health Fairs. I organize no-cost Health & Wellness Fairs for medium to large corporations, combining my many years of experience in marketing, event planning, organizational & people skills and passion for the health industry into one fabulous employee experience.As an entrepreneur at my core, I am continually sorting through ideas for another business and currently enjoy a custom scarf design business that fulfills other aspects of my creative side and love of fashion accessories.

My colleagues, friends and family find me easy to talk to and will tell you that I have never met a stranger...I love hearing people's stories (everyone has one you know)! Every so often, with time on my side, I like to write and interview entrepreneur's for my Entrepreneur Life Stories blog (one day I will find the time to do more of these interviews...I love entrepreneurial success stories).

I cherish mostly my family life, spending time with my 3 children and husband. What do I do to relax? I enjoy spending time at the BEACH and ON the OCEAN or frankly anywhere in the great outdoors...definitely good wine and good friends, boating and riding my incredibly fun Trikke on the beautiful bike trails nearby my home.