Kathryn Boland

Writer, Non-Profit Administrator, and Movement Educator in Newport, RI, USA

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Hello! I’m Kathryn. I’m a writer, movement educator, and non-profit administrator based in Rhode Island. Professionally, I write mainly about dance and yoga (Dance Informa, YogaU Online). I also offer communications consulting for performing artists (copy writing and editing, strategic consulting, or simply a second opinion -- touch base for rates and sliding-scale options!). It's quite gratifying to support various types of movers through this work.

I'm also passionate and curious about politics, policy, social justice, and activism. You can find my writing on those topics on Medium (medium.com). I'm additionally seeking to build opportunities in expository journalism and sociocultural commentary.

I'm combining those interests in a YouTube show called "Move for a Movement", where I spotlight various artists doing great work at the intersection of dance and social justice. I'm also currently working on a book about dance forms evolving in the context of colonialism.

Another branch of my professional work is yoga/mindfulness and dance education for children/youth and families. I offer private and group instruction in homes, schools, community centers, gyms, studios, and more (virtually or in-person according to state/federal safety guidelines). I'm also currently creating a wellness and social/emotional learning program for dancers based in yoga and mindfulness -- be in touch for rates and sliding-scale options!

Lastly, I have extensive experience in arts and non-profit administration. It's gratifying to help an arts organization work towards fulfilling its mission through getting the nitty-gritty done and helping it all hum along smoothly!

Outside of work, I enjoy taking yoga and dance classes, listening to music and comedy specials, time in nature, and a cup of coffee with a good friend or two. Cheers!

  • Education
    • The George Washington University
    • Lesley University
    • Flow and Grow Kids Yoga
    • Aura Wellness Center