Kathy Kastner
Entrepreneur, Patient Partner, and Author in Toronto, Ontario, Canada
My passions involve me in health-related projects: Shared Decision Making, Health Literacy and End of Life planning. From a layman’s/patient’s point of view, I participate in North America-wide initiatives including Stanford, University of Toronto and Laval University.
BestEndings.com is my blog
TEDx talk title: Exit Laughing,
"Death Kills..and other things I've learned on the internet" is the cheeky title of my eBook.
The Will is my eBook about a murderer in my company Boardroom
Selected accomplishments
BestEndings cited in British Medical Journal: Electronic Palliative Care Coordination
Patient Advisor International Summit on Leadership Education for Physicians
Selected for Scholarship: California Compassionate Choices Summit
Guest Blogger: Mayo Center for Innovation
Patient Partner, International Summit on Leadership Education for Physicians (TISLEP)
Patient Ambassador, Patient Centered Outcomes Research Institute (PCORI): •International Conference on Communications in Healthcare; •California Coalition for Compassionate Care; •Health Literacy Annual Research Conference;
Workshop: Health Literacy and End of Life Planning – Institute for Healthcare Advancement
Presenter: Hospice Palliative Care Ontario Conference, Public Health and Palliative Care Conference
ePatient Scholar Stanford MedicineX
Presenter: Stanford Patients 2.0
Twitter influencer, Journal of Medical Internet Research :
Published author (peer-reviewed journals)
Public Member Palliative and Supportive Care Steering Committee, WestPark Health Center
Social Media Panelist, Journal Of Palliative Medicine
Advisory Board and Workshop, Pain Management, Society of Teachers of Family Medicine Advisory:
Public Member College of Occupational Therapists
Federal Innovation Grant Awardee: BestEndings.com