Katie Frances

Student and Social Media Manager in Melbourne

Hey everyone!

I'm Katirina, but you can call me Katie. I'm 24 years old and currently living in Melbourne, Australia.

My passion lies in social media and anything related to creativity!

After spending around 5 years in retail, I realised my true calling was in turning my creative spark into a career.

I have previously managed social media accounts for brands across Melbourne and also dipped into a bit of freelancing.

Now, I'm thrilled to be working as a Marketing/Social Media Coordinator at The Fox Tan - shameless plug, go check us out ;) I absolutely love what I do, and if you're interested in diving into the world of Marketing/Social Media, feel free to reach out. I'm more than happy to share my journey and what being a Marketing/Social Media Coordinator entails!

Excited to connect with you!

Katie x

  • Education
    • Deakin University