Katie McClain

Pasadena, California

Katie McClain

Pasadena, California

Most of us start out in life feeling like unique, amazing beings. We’re full of wonder and have many dreams. Life is abundant, joyful, and full of possibility. We don’t know anything other than being ourselves.

Do you remember?

And then life happens: family, culture, experiences with siblings and other kids, mild and extreme traumas - everyday failures intervene. These experiences pile on. Our sense of wonder starts to fade and we gradually switch from abundance to living life from a fearful place.

Eventually we stop being our marvelous, extraordinary selves. Some of us forget who we are completely.

As a result, worries, anxieties and stress can overtake us. We lose confidence. We stop being present. We lose awareness and belief in the abundance and possibility of life. Sometimes, in this state of most-of-the-time scarcity, we become adults and have children of our own.

I see this cycle creating fearful, worried children who lack confidence. It’s happening earlier in childrens’ lives than it did in ours.

My mission in life is to help parents remember and get back to being present, loving, abundant beings. I dream of adults who remember their own magnificent uniqueness. I’m committed to parents who love themselves, accept their mistakes as learning opportunities and offer themselves compassion when they’re hurting.

You know what happens when adults remember who they are in this extraordinary way?

They model this way of being for their children!

This kind of parent is a loving, accepting, encouraging, champion for their children. They model kindness and compassion. They expect their kids to be exactly who they are - nothing more or less. They stop comparing their children to others. They provide loving boundaries and offer wisdom that’s supportive and not controlling. And these parents understand that their children are wise in their own right. Their kids know what they need and parents learn to put their own ego aside so they can listen to and for their children.

I offer tools for parents and children ages 9 and up. I also help educators who are committed to supporting students in being kind, happy and successful. I use concepts and metaphors that are fun for both children and adults. The tools are generously mixed with mindfulness and self-compassion practices to help you and your child (re)connect to yourselves with love and kindness. Robots, thought monsters, s

  • Work
    • Katie McClain, Growing Up Kind, kidThink
  • Education
    • School of Life
    • Books
    • Fashion Institute of Design and Merchandising
    • Landmark Education
    • The Life Coach School