Kavindya Thennakoon

Colombo Sri Lanka

I was raised in three diverse corners of the country by two women of stark differences. Injustice infuriates me : I guess I got that from my father. I am a proud Feminist : That obviously from my mother.

I am an adviser on Gender Equality to the UN Youth Advisory Panel. I also work as the In-Charge Projects for the Stop the Violence Campaign in Sri Lanka.

I am an ardent believer in the unfathomable power of Education in transforming lives hence I recently founded "WITHOUT BORDERS" a grass rooted initiative to provide Language Skills , capacity building and personality development opportunities to Youngsters from areas of high unemployment.

I am a fanatic reader . I write when I get nostalgic. I travel when I am loosing hope.

I believe that certain things like the Job you did , the Ivy league degree you have or the size of your bank account will be forgotten and will eventually be washed away by time but the impact you are able to make in the life of another - now that will be remembered.
God spent a life and a soul on you. Make it worthwhile.

La vita è bella :)

  • Work
    • UN Youth Advisory Panel
  • Education
    • Law et Politics