'Kayode Akanni

AI Robotics, STEAM Education, and Digital Rights and Inclusion in Lagos, Nigeria

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I am Executive Director of Knowledge House(formerly known as DesignIT International aka KnowledgeHouseAfrica), an innovation hub spinning out social enterprises that apply ICT empowerment and support systems, Digital rights advocacy, Artificial Intelligence (AI) and STEAM Education for improved livelihood of unconnected, underserved youth & women and unborn.

I am currently living in Lagos, Nigeria. I specialise in use of Digital Development, Policy and Problem Solving in developing countries. As a social Technopreneur, through Knowledge House, I have had a career in the application of Information and Communication Technologies for development (ICT4D) for individuals, institutions, nation states, regional entities and International community. I serve as Digital rights/freedom influence in building, managing and decommissioning our AI- enable future.

KnowledgeHouseAfrica (KHA) is a social enterprise that empowers women and youth to fight poverty by imparting them with knowledge and skills using Free and Open Source Software (FOSS) as a key tool.

This social intervention started in 2000 as DesignIT Project and evolved into DesignIT International in 2012. I was Co-founder of KnowledgeHouseAfrica (KHA) since 2003 till KnowledgeHouseAfrica (KHA) was transferred to DesignIT International in July 2020.DesignIT International was rebranded as Knowledge House on 24th November,2021.

You can click the button above to visit KnowledgeHouseAfrica website.

  • Work
    • Knowledge House | KHA
  • Education
    • Standford University
    • Near East University