Kaya Colak

Check out my new website, wikiadvocate.com!

Wikiadvocate.com is devoted to the individual who has been unfairly treated by a larger organization or the system in general. It is a social support network where individuals can post their own experiences of being “wronged” or “cheated” by an institution or corporation and can learn from the experiences of others.

I sincerely hope that you will benefit from the personal empowerment resources available in this site. I also hope that you contribute your story and an online review or commentary of the organization, institution or professional group which has treated you unfairly.


  • 2013 Dollar Implosion!: The Birth of the Individual Empowerment Society from the Ashes of the Coming Global Economic Collapse, Kaya Colak, M.D., 2011.
  • Wikiadvocate: My Story of Personal Empowerment in the Age of Consciousness, Kaya Colak, M.D., 2011.