Keith DeOrio

Dr. Keith DeOrio currently run the Deorio Wellness Medical Center. This is a state-of-the-art facility that provides a well-rounded approach to a multitude of physical and emotional conditions created by living in the 20th century.

Our staff of medically trained physicians are considered experts in the multi-dimensional aspects of alternative medicine. They desire to promote optimum health and wellness through non-toxic treatments, dietary control, education and lifestyle awareness.

Member of American Academy of Medical Acupuncture, National Center for Homeopathy, International Foundation for Homeopathy California, Homeopathic Medical Society, United Kingdom Homeopathic Medical Association, Price- Pottenger Nutritional Foundation, Phi Delta Epsilon Medical Fraternity. Honors include: Phi Beta Kappa Honor Society, UCI, Cum Laude Graduate, UCI, Dean's Honor List, nine quarters, UCI, Alpha Epsilon Delta Honor Society, UCI, American Heart Association Student Health Research Grant, UCI.