Kelly Cain

South Carolina, United States

Hello & welcome to the wonderful world of doTERRA essential oils. I began my journey with doTERRA by accident really. I was recently divorced and felt a strong need to remove the toxins from my life. Toxins from the circumstances of my divorce, toxins from the apartment I felt stuck in, and toxins from the cigarette habit I had picked up. I felt like every area of my life was filled to the brim with toxins and I wanted them GONE! The best thing that could ever happen to me, did happen. I found GOD. God helped me to start removing those toxins. His love for me gave me a better attitude. I had a new outlook on life. He helped me find the perfect home for myself and my children. Our own home? YES! This just drove me even more to get those toxins out of my life. We had a fresh new start in a fresh new home and I wanted it to be fresh, clear, clean, and beautiful. I began researching for ways to purify the air in our home. In my quest to remove the toxins, I discovered essential oils. During my search, I discovered I had a childhood friend who was essential oil savvy and I reached out to her. God is good because it just so happened that she had a virtual class that very night and invited me. I was truly amazed at everything essential oils can do and the many ways they can benefit you and your home. The rest is history! I joined as a wholesale member and ordered my kit. I had no intentions of sharing or building a team. It all just came so naturally. So here, I am. I have quit smoking! YES!!! My life is mostly TOXIN FREE!!! YES! I share with anyone who will listen and I would love to have you on my team. Let's get started!

or www.mydoterra.kellycain to order

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