Kelly Teng

Sydney, Australia

Some say that I speak too much. Some believe that I am too energetic, too career-oriented, too motivated, too bubbly, too full-on.

To them, I reply: I'm the kind of person who knows what I want, can get things done, and will always be ten steps ahead of the game.

I was born to lead. I was born to communicate, born to write, and born as a passionate person in everything I do. But throughout life, I've also been taught: I've been taught to work hard, taught to inspire and be inspired, and taught to apply myself 200% to everything that I do.

I have ambitions the size of Jupiter. I have my love for the media, my love for people, and my love for creativity. And I'd like to think that one day, I can pack all of that love, ambition, passion and energy into a suitcase, and fly off to the moon.

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  • Work
    • Marketing Manager at 2and2
  • Education
    • Bachelor of Arts (Media and Communications)