Kemp and Associates

Estate Probate Research Services in Salt Lake City, Utah

Kemp and Associates

Estate Probate Research Services in Salt Lake City, Utah

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With an emphasis on ensuring that families receive the inheritance assets they are entitled to, Kemp & Associates stands as a respected international probate research firm. The firm undertakes research that involves proprietary databases, online research methods, and research in the largest genealogical library in the world just a few miles away in downtown Salt Lake City. Kemp & Associates’ staff undertakes the legwork of identifying eligible heirs of the estate and locating them.

The firm assists clients fully in the process of securing that share of the estate to which they are entitled. There is never any up-front fee involved, with a contingency-basis arrangement providing heirs with complete peace of mind. An industry leader since 1966, the firm emphasizes the over 500 years of combined experience and knowledge of its committed staff. Veteran professionals coordinate their efforts with legal teams, executors, trustees, and administrative agents across the globe.

Kemp and Associates maintains an active community presence and contributed $10,000 to the nonprofit Hannah's Hope Fund. This health organization focuses on giant axonal neuropathy, which is much like juvenile ALS in the way it affects children.