Ken Friedman Las Vegas
Attorney in Las Vegas, Nevada
Ken Friedman Las Vegas
Attorney in Las Vegas, Nevada
Ken Friedman Las Vegas law office was founded in Nevada by the Public attorneys, passed on the proposal of the government. The adoption of that law, legal aid is entrusted only educated lawyers who enroll in this profession Secretary of Justice. The first public Association was established by a contemporary chamber system which is practiced by the Law on the Bar. With the development of society, develops and law, and with it the profession of lawyers. The biggest development of the society and also the legal profession was in the field of technology and economy and business operations. Based on the above and in particular in view of the age structure and therefore the interest of Ken Friedman Las Vegas, desirous of new knowledge and new trends,
In particular, but not exclusively, Friedman Las Vegas office provides legal services in the area:
business operations
Legal analysis of potential investments
acquisitions and mergers
tax consulting
representation in court proceedings and proceedings before other state bodies
preparation of documents and the implementation of status changes of the highest levels of complexity
debt collection
real estate transactions
Law Office Ken Friedman Las Vegas for 15 years is providing services to clients in all areas of corporate representation and counseling.
Comprehensive professional support in solving complex legal and business issues based on individual commitment to each client.
In order to economy and efficiency, and with preserving the quality of our services, Ken Friedman represents clients and on the basis of complete legal consultancy (outsourcing legal advisors).
The Las Vegas office is proud that clients are leaders in their activities in various fields of economic activities, but because of the Code of Ethics and the obligation to keep a secret of our individual clients we can not call.
The office conducts a successful, continuously or for individual transactions, large international investment funds, in proceedings whose subject was the company worth over several billion dollars;
a regional leader in the field of energy;
world-known business group in the field of