Kenya Stallworth

Cincinnati, Ohio

As I've said many times before; I'm no different than any one of you who are reading this bio. I'm 32, single mom of two. Been to a number of colleges but never finished a degree. The only difference between you and me is that I KNOW HOW TO EARN MONEY ONLINE...but I'm looking to change that and in a big way; more on that a bit later.

I actually started seriously looking for ways to earn money online in 2007, when what seemed like a steady position in my dream "job" disappeared overnight. I had interest in this for years prior, but the sudden loss of employment gave me focus. I wanted to be in charge of when and how and most importantly, HOW MUCH I earned, and I didn't want to have someone else raising my children while I did so.

Since then, entirely through trial and error, I've earned money through almost every way imaginable online; from paid to post to paid surveys, from freelance copywriting/editing to CPA leads, from Multi-Level-Marketing to even virtual call centers...finding and working all of these places wasn't very easy either. Throughout my search I yearned for some kind of explanation or guidline that I could use to steer me away fromthings that were SCAMS, WASTES OF TIME, or just plain NOT FOR mission is to save as many people as possible from that same ordeal.

With the current state of the Economy worldwide, having somewhat of a general education course of earning online is desparately needed, and I plan to spearhead this movement. My ultimate goal is to create that very course, however

In the meantime, I'm beginning my path of REAL SUCCESS with Daily Money Team (as of 6/28/2013). Stay tuned here to find out what's coming next.

  • Work
    • Regional Director; DMT Advertising-Cincinnati
  • Education
    • The Online Earning School of Hard Knocks