K. Latham
Web Developer, programmer, and Project Manager in Elk City, Oklahoma
K. Latham
Web Developer, programmer, and Project Manager in Elk City, Oklahoma
Center Left Chaotic Good Weaver of Code.
I'm a programmer, web designer, blogger, podcaster, web ring manager, and amateur Oklahoma historian.
I'm currently the lead programmer for a small western Oklahoma company. Our team specializes in database management systems, web applications, and hardware control systems. We've developed custom software solutions and web sites for news organizations, schools, small and large businesses, manufacturing, and municipalities.
For fun I launched the Blog Oklahoma Network. It started off as a community of bloggers who blog in or about Oklahoma, but later expanded in to a whole family of websites and podcasts.
I live in small town western Oklahoma with a loving spouse, dog, and way too many cats.
I like most things geeky and or nerdy. I'm a fan of all forms of sci-fi and fantasy, how-to television, comic books, baseball (Go Cubs!), sports entertainment, bird watching, hiking, and studying history.
Religiously I'm chaotic good. Politically I'm center left. I have an interest in educational, environmental, and civil rights policy. I'm also a supporter of the LGBT community.