Kirsten Hund

Educator in Austin, Texas

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My name is Kirsten Hund (pronounced Keer-stin) and I am a life-long educator in Austin, Texas. I currently serve as the Associate Executive Director for Instruction at TEPSA, the Texas Elementary Principals and Supervisors Association. My main role is to design and implement learning to support the 5800+ elementary school leaders we serve. I grew up in Phoenix, Arizona, but came to Texas as soon as I could. I began my career in education after graduating from The University of Texas at Austin in 1996 – Hook ‘Em!

I’ve been at TEPSA since 2008 and I still miss the crazy busy life of campus. (I even miss the hard stuff.) There is no better place to spend your time making a difference than in an elementary school! It is one of the hardest yet most rewarding things you can do. I remember when I was an Assistant Principal I told my husband that even if we won the lottery, I would still do that job because I loved it so much.

I am a proud wife, mother, sister and daughter. My husband and I have two pretty cool boys that are now teenagers – where does the time go?! Spending time with my people is very important to me, especially since they will be grown and gone in the blink of an eye. We love to travel and spend time outdoors hiking and playing at the beach. I’ve been lucky enough to see some amazing places on this planet including Bali, the British Virgin Islands and Easter Island. I’m not sure there is a better real life education experience for kids than international travel, remind me to share the travel adventure to Easter Island when you have some free time.

I am passionate about helping the big people in schools do great work so the littler people can be just as awesome. After 20+ years in education (again where does the time go?!) it is a VERY exciting time to be in education. I look forward to connecting with you and hopefully sharing an idea or two to help you do great work!

  • Work
    • TEPSA
  • Education
    • University of Texas at Austin
    • University of North Texas