Khyati Undavia
Owner of Houston-based Pharmacy in Houston, TX, USA
Khyati Undavia, a delighted mother of three, gave birth to twins. She aspires to provide an excellent example for successful working women as a working mother and company owner. She frequently worked through the night, carrying a cup of coffee as she cared for her kids.
She considers a poem by her daughter titled "An Ode to Mother" one of her most treasured belongings. The poem was written when family vacations and weekends were frequently spent working but still included plenty of quality time. In the poem, her daughter extols the virtues of her mother, and all that Undavia did to ensure the prosperity and growth of her family. "A faithful creature ever since my birth / I have always loved your strength / Always, for me, you went to tremendous lengths / You made me feel I could achieve great things," it says in part.
She likes spending time with her family and has kept a close eye on her ageing parents, integrating them into her extended family. Her contact with patients and how she handles each person that enters her facility in need of drugs or other things reflect her intense commitment.