Jay HyunJung Kim

  • I recently moved back to Korea (home of Dooly) after 12 years overseas – specifically, 8 years in India, 3 years in Madagascar and 1 year in Singapore.What did I do over the last 12 years?▪ Worked in textile factories (this doesn’t mean I can sew all that well, but I’m pretty good at selling clothes to others): sourcing material from one country, manufacturing in another country, and selling to a third country▪ Travelled the world, visiting 5 continents – I’m saving South America for future trips▪ Community development – started classes for ladies in India who didn’t have opportunities to learn, including teaching math in my simple Hindi▪ Caught fish and froze them to export to Korea and Japan▪ Established a Private Limited company to conduct consultation, interpretation and translation, and to act as a trading agent▪ Volunteered at JOYN, the coolest social entrepreneurship company I know▪ Made friends from all over the world▪ And so many other things!What’s my life motto?“Life is a pilgrimage”A few sentences to describe myself:I am a TRUE BELIEVER-I believe that Jesus Christ is my King.I am a WORLD CHANGER- I believe that the world we live in will be a better place in the future.I am a MULTI TASKER- I have a pretty amazing ability to jump from one task to another, or do more than one thing at the same time in a fantastic way. In Korea, people can live up to 100 years, and I have great skills to prepare me for a long future.I am a CROSS-CULTURER- I love different cultures; I prefer to jump right in rather than watching from the sidelines.I am a PASSIONISTA- I am full of passion towards things I think are right, and towards any mission I have been given.

지난 12년간의 해외생활,정확하게 말하면 8년의 인도시간, 3년의 마다가스카르 시간, 1년의 싱가포르 생활을 잠시 그만두고 사랑하는 둘리의 나라 대한민국으로 2015년 4월 복귀,12년동안 무엇을 하셨나요?

아프리카 옷공장근무(재봉질은 잘못하지만 옷은 해외로 잘팜) , 제3국에서 재료소싱후 2국에서 만들고 1국으로 팔아넘기는일, 중간중간 여행,5대륙여행성공,남미는 사십대를 위해 아껴둠,community development,인도에서 절대빈곤여성위한 야학교실시작,나름 힌디(인도어)로 산수가르침,인도 생선 냉동후 한국일본으로 수출,종종 백수, 콘설팅 법인설립,동시통역사,전문번역사,무역에이전트,내생각엔 최고사회적기업 JOYN 무보수 오랜근무,친구들 사귀기,등등 등

인생을 한마디로 말하자면?

인생은 순례자의길

Life is pilgrimage