Kimberly Cain
Wanna rock your life at a higher level of energy? Have a greater sense of clarity, courage, purpose & influence?
KIMBERLY BROWN CAIN is a creative leadership & lifestyle expert who inspires countless individuals to live at their highest levels of freedom & excellence through creative media, music & personal guidance. An award winning songwriter/performing artist, speaker, intuitive guide, author, & media professional, Kimberly creates experiences that inspire her clients to live joyfully, beyond their perceived boundaries. She is a trained facilitator in Remo Drums HealthRHYTHMS & has been personally trained by one of the world’s most renowned personal development coaches through High Performance Institute.
Kimberly has opened concerts for such artists as David Bowie & Sarah McLachlan (Lilith Fair). She has produced game-day entertainment for Dallas Cowboys & has been the voice of countless corporate campaigns for clients such as Coca-Cola & Sheraton Hotels.
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