Kirsten Milliken

Psychologist, author, and Public Speaker in Portland, Maine

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Hello, I’m Kirsten. I’m a psychologist and Realtor living in Portland, Maine. I am a fan of music, and entrepreneurship. I’m also interested in travel and networking. You can visit my website with a click on the button above.

Kirsten’s professional career includes 20 years in the mental health and coaching fields. In 2004 she started a non-profit to support youth in Maine. She has worked in school systems, in nursing homes, and with our country’s military veterans. She has coached kids trying to get through middle school and high powered CEOs to meet their goals.

Kirsten is also a psychologist and an author! (Overachiever?!)

Dr. Kirsten Milliken is a dynamic and unique clinical psychologist and certified ADHD Coach who lives and works in the Portland Maine area. Yes, she has ADHD! Kirsten has used her insight and knowledge of ADHD to develop her playful style as well as her companies, ADHD Executive Coaching and PlayDHD. Kirsten espouses that Play is the best non medication intervention for people with ADHD. While Kirsten works with all age ranges, she focuses on working primarily with adults with ADHD who are entrepreneurs, business owners and executives. Kirsten earned her degrees and training from SUNY Stony Brook, Alliant University, and ADDCA. She is an ICF certified coach and is also trained as an ADHD career services specialty coach.

You can find her Book, PlayDHD, on Amazon.

  • Work
    • World of ADHD
  • Education
    • Alliant University, Fresno Campus
    • SUNY Stonybrook, NY