Kisha Simmons
New York
Kisha Simmons
New York
Yes…It can happen to you too!!
A girl from Port Arthur, TX… a town most haven’t even heard of that followed her dreams to reside in NY! I experienced a traumatic childhood filled with drugs, abuse and neglect yet I stand today unashamed, strong and confidently sharing my story to empower others. You CAN and WILL be who you are destined to be!
My mission in life is simple… To enrich, inspire and ignite you to live your very best you from inside and out!! I’ve taught many how to allow the inner beauty radiate outwardly.
I launched Keepin’ Chic back in 2003 as a way to expand my fashion consulting and design. As the years progressed, Keepin’ Chic became a brand and service known for altering peoples lives. I became known as a Confidence Coach who not only educated clients on outward image but dove deep into inward self image and self love which resulted in breaking down barriers that were blocking clients of living free and confidently.
I have styled many, planned events and inspired for over 15yrs. I’m also known as a mentor to many using life’s experiences to help coach, captivate and even use as comic relief to help you go through your life’s journey.
Not only do I help you improve on what image you view in the mirror, I help improve the view you have reflected in your mind. Through simple coaching exercises, journaling my experiences and even sharing via video blog, I share me to inspire you!
Review Monday Motivational video blogs and get to know more of my creative side and offerings including my natural beauty products on my website.
Any answers needed are only an email away!
I look forward to working with you:-)