Kitchen of a Singer

Gilbert, AZ

I'm a singer. First sopranos holla!

I'm a baker and aspiring cook. I'm not great, but I sure try!

I'm also an aspiring DIY-er and craft-er and lover of all things decor related. Not that you could tell from the lack of decorating in my home. We just had a baby and all the extra cash goes to the little Miss P!

I live in Arizona and love the sunsets here, but I'm not so much a fan of the heat in the summer!

Give me a Dr Pepper and a good book and I'll be the happiest girl on the block. I'm also a pretty big fan of snuggling on the couch with my honey, watching movies or the big game or the latest and greatest TV series. (Does anyone else LOVE Nashville?!)

Follow my blog with Bloglovin' for a potpouri of gruh-ate things.

  • Work
    • Mother, Blogger, Aspiring Piano Teacher
  • Education
    • Utah State University