Karen Butler

Educator in Adelaide, Australia

[email protected]



I am an educator currently on secondment as a Curriculum Manager in the Curriculum and Learning Division in the Department for Education, South Australia. I work with small teams of writers to develop units of work to support the implementation of the Technologies Learning Area. I have also developed a developmentally appropriate scope and sequence for Reception to year 6 Digital and Design and Technologies learning.

I have been a Project Officer for Primary Years Learners focussing on Learning Technologies.

I was also a project officer for the Computer Science in Education Research (CSER) team at the University of Adelaide during 2016-2019.

I am interested in understanding the expereinces of students living and learning in the current digital landscape.

I believe the demands for digitally literate citizens is now greater than ever before. Ensuring students are empowered to self regulate their digital consumption and personal data is important to me. Therefore I am interested in the intersection between traditional literacies and numeracy practices and the development of digital agency.

I am very interested in ways to ensure all learners have opportunities to be creative and active producers as well as critical consumers of digital technologies. For this reason I have developed a keen interest in Computer Science and how it can be integrated into exciting learning for students from reception to year 7. I really enjoyed working for the University of Adelaide and presenting workshops across South Australia.

I believe good teaching leverages digital technologies to create opportunities for learners to become powerful global, digital citizens. Students who can critically evaluate and creatively use digital tools to discover, explore, demonstrate and reconstruct new and existing knowledge are better equipped for an uncertain but possibly exciting future.

I have spent most of my teaching life educating 11 and 12 year olds, but started in junior primary. Teaching remains my passion and I enjoy working within a community of learners interested in changing the world through empowering pedagogy.

I also love to write about learning and living with technologies.

Master of Education Studies - Gender and Curriculum

Grad Cert - Mathematics and Science Education

Bachelor of Education - Language and Literacy

Dip T - Junior Primary

  • Work
    • DECD
  • Education
    • Master of Ed