Tatiana Klimovich

Writer, Life Coach, and Consultant in Киев, Украина

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I generally specialize in relationship coaching, online and offline dating, speaking engagements, and individual consultations. I also deal with matchmaking services for people of all ages and genders. I also specialize in helping people overcome various disagreements and troubles in relationships. All broken heart can find assistance at my office.


I have more than ten-year experience in helping people to create positive mutual relationships and find their soul mates. 80% of my clients have already got married, and now they keep on living happy lives. They are very grateful to me for cementing their relationships. For more than five years, I have been dealing with personal consultations. More than five clients visit me daily in search for psychological help. My working languages are English, French, and Spanish.

How I help

As online dating has become a very popular meeting option presently, I can help you to create a gooв profile on any dating website and choose a couple of appropriate partners for dating. As a rule, we sit together with a client, and I explain him/her how online dating works. Many people think that it is straightforward to find someone online. However, their expectations often fail because a person on a photo on the website and a real meeting offline - are two quite the opposite things. Therefore, my match-making services can 100% help you to filter search results and choose a soul mate with whom it will be easy for you to start creating new relationships.

Being a dating expert, I can give you a lot of advice on how to behave appropriately during first datings, how to dress for a first meeting, which places to visit during the first date, etc. People think they know plenty of dating tips. However, they can never help you without understanding human psychology. And what really surprises me is the fact that many people just see no difference between male and female psychology. However, knowing the difference and main peculiarities will undoubtedly help you to build durable and long-lasting relationships. Therefore, I can become your professional guide into the world of real and effective dating.

Relationship coaching is another side of my specialization. Many people think that they have strong and stable relationships, and their families can never be broken. However, my experience from consulting hundreds of "happy" families perfectly demonstrates how weak, such families could be when they face with the slightest problems.