Kosta Kolaceski

Skopje, Macedonia

We live in a black&white world with infinite shades of gray. As human beings we intend to distinct form each other, each one trying to leave its own mark of existence. As we sail through time, some of us are playing safe and stay in their rooms while others, people with imagination, courage and creativity, go out spread their arms and explore. They're open minded, fearless, unique and do not use things the way they're meant to be used. They innovate, create and break the society rules. Each one with its own color makes an statement, a mark for which he will be appreciated, respected and remembered by. Those people are called DESIGNERS!

My colour is green, what is yours?

Creativity is allowing yourself to make mistakes. Design is knowing which ones to keep.

  • Work
    • INFORMA Plus Skopje
  • Education
    • Faculty of Mechanical Engineering
    • SUGS "Vlado Tasevski" Skopje