Heinrich Kordewiner

CIO in Hamburg, Deutschland

Heinrich Kordewiner

CIO in Hamburg, Deutschland

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Please use the form at de.kordewiner.com/contact, <[email protected]> or any other of my email addresses from the last decades to contact me. You can find some German language information about me on google.com/+HeinrichKordewiner/about. For more data visit the usual places:

Interested in the ICSA-10-214-01 (metasploit, CVE-2010-2965) proof of concept hack from 2002, the public security hole in millions of home gateways until 2010? Please see Wayback, more Wayback and fr.reseaux.telecoms.adsl - or vice versa. I can tell from my logfiles: There were at least three intelligence agencies (NSA not included), who knew this User Datagram Protocol (RPC) "phone home & more" thing for eight years, so the vulnerability did not have an impact on Mars rover, Lockheed C-130 and some MRBMs. But terrorists may have been badly affected for years and conspiracy theorists will suffer until doomsday.