Justin Kral

Hi my name is Justin. I'm 33 years old and was born and raised in the Sacramento valley of California.

My love for photography began in 2003 while I was living in the Bay Area, walking distance to the Emeryville and Berkeley Marinas. My dad had bought me a Kodak point and shoot camera and every evening I would walk along the beach photographing the waves coming in and the sun setting over San Francisco.

I have always been passionate about the arts, so when I began taking photographs it quickly stuck with me and I began carrying some type of camera with me everywhere I went. Luckily for me, the iphone was introduced and the hipstimatic app, so I no longer have to lug around my DSLR everywhere I go.

I eventually was challenged to learn to photograph people. This opened up a whole new avenue for my photography and I became passionate about portraiture. Without realizing it, a majority of my shooting was focusing more and more on different types of portraiture. And I love it!!

I am continually growing as a photographer and as a person, and I am infinitely grateful my crazy journey has pointed me in this direction with my camera in hand.

loves: photography, reading, writing, traveling, camping, movies, eating, cooking, driving with my windows down, excersize