Krista Glover
Mother in Florida
Hi! I’m Krista Glover, adoring mama to Cille and Luc, named after hisfather and my hubby, Lucas. We live in Florida, and I wouldn’t have itany other way. While I loved growing up in Maine, and enjoy theoccasional festive winter snow, I’m not a big fan of the cold.
Growing up I was a big fan of basketball, however, and went to two state championships. These days you can find me running or doingPilates to keep in shape.
I like to think of myself as a very loyal friend and non-judgmental person. My favorite quote is, "You pass the same people on the way upas you do on the way down." We all have ups and downs in our lives; weall have good moments and bad. But being there for others andbelieving in them (and their ability to do or overcome anything) arecharacteristics that I hope I convey to everyone I meet.