Kristen Stone

Pullman, WA

Kristen Stone

Pullman, WA

Favorite childhood memory: I loved spending time on the beach with my family when I was growing up in Hawaii. I was definitely a beach baby and I loved swimming!

Why did you choose WSU? I chose WSU because of the school spirit and the strong connections I felt with my peers. Everybody is so friendly and I always feel like I have support from my professors and fellow students. No matter where you go in the world, you will always find a Coug!

Favorite campus spot: I love the view from the top floors of some of the residence halls on campus. They have the best views of the gorgeous Palouse sunsets!

What is your fondest WSU memory thus far? The 2012 Apple Cup game has become my favorite WSU memory. It was the most intense game and so many people had lost hope, but we pulled it off! Go Cougs!

What advice do you have for new Cougar parents? Parents should explore the campus and its resources in order to feel more comfortable with their student's new home. It is important to stay connected with your son or daughter, but give your student the trust and freedom to make decisions on their own. Be supportive, listen intently, and offer encouragement; sometimes the simplest things can mean the most during the transition to college!

Favorite quote: "Get busy livin', or get busy dyin'." -Andy Dufresne, The Shawshank Redemption

Favorite movie: Any Batman movie!

What are you involved in?

Assitant Hall Director

Greek chapter

  • Work
    • Washington State University
  • Education
    • Political Science
    • Pre-Law
    • Finance