Krzysztof M. Maj
Video game researcher in Kraków, Polska
Krzysztof M. Maj
Video game researcher in Kraków, Polska
Researcher in digital humanities (world-building, fantasy & SF, video games, transmedia storytelling), editor, translator, and youtuber.
Assistant Professor at AGH University of Science and Technology, Faculty of Humanities, and former editor-in-chief at the academic journal „Creatio Fantastica”.
Author of „Allotopie. Topografia światów fikcjonalnych” (2015) and „Światotwórstwo w fantastyce” (2019), as well as co-editor of four books: „More After More”(2016),„Narracje fantastyczne”(2017),„Ksenologie”(2018) & „Dyskursy gier wideo” (2019).