Kurt Krokenberger

Rochester, Ny

I am currently attending Rochester Institute of Technology studying finance and will be graduating in August with B.S. My life has been one that many of my friends call a "dream life." I have lived in Martha's Vineyard and West Palm Beach and traveled all over the country in search of that perfect locale. My conclusions is that there is no one perfect place. We create our happiness and success.I live for the moment and recognize that our moments with friends, family and loved ones is far to precious.

Throughout my college career I have always had big dreams and many ideas for success. Until recently, when asked the question: "What value can you bring to a business or team," I would give a roundabout answer because I could not articulate what I could bring to the team. I know that answer now. My value is adding value. I look at a project or a business and see how they can be doing things better to make more money. Being 23, not many people take this answer seriously. I have my whole life to prove them wrong.

Skiing is my greatest hobby, sport and lifestyle. Spring break on a beach or 3 feet of snow? I will always chose the snow! Aside from skiing, I do play tennis recreationally, work out and enjoy working on one of the many ideas I have.

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