Kyle Schu
Real Estate, Marketing, and Advertising in Kulpmont, Pennsylvania
Hello, and welcome my name is Mr. Kyle Schu from Kulpmont PA On April 1 2008 I Founded Help Save Our Stores And Churches But Reformed Within The State Of PA USA As a DBA And Sole Proprietorship On November 10 2021 When I got tried seeing empty building so I taught myself how to marketing and advertising in real estate giving realtors and brokers leads but Please note: I am not a licensed broker, or realtor, and cannot act any way or form I just have a passion for saving old buildings as I know a lot of business people and private people to clergy and churches, so I can try to create jobs back into my area and trying to give something good for my area. where I’m not about the money so I Thank you and please have a blessed day As The Rest Is History ! #realestate #marketing #advertising #business #ceo #jobs #people #thankyou #help #money #realtors