Kylie Conway

News Anchor in Indianapolis, Indiana

Kylie Conway

News Anchor in Indianapolis, Indiana

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I most recently was the evening anchor at ABC 4 News in Salt Lake City. I began as the weekend anchor/reporter two years ago and quickly was given primary fill-in opportunities which led to my permanent promotion.

The time has come for me to challenge myself and advance my career to the next level.

I have been a backpack journalist, morning reporter, anchor/producer, weekend anchor/reporter, morning anchor and evening anchor. I have experience in light, fun interviews and live hard news interviews from the desk and out in the field.

My goal is to keep learning and telling the stories that Americans need to know. I want to grow as a journalist and be challenged every day to reach expectations.

I love hitting the pavement to find interesting stories to tell. No matter the place, you never know when someone will have a story that needs to be shared or researched. I want to be that voice.


Kylie Conway