Laine Campbell

Las Vegas, Nevada, United States

Laine Campbell

Las Vegas, Nevada, United States

Cajun woman from humble beginnings in Louisiana. After a brief stint in college for Musical Theater, became a self-taught database architect and administrator. Began her career as the first database administrator and architect at Travelocity, where she stayed for 8 years building a global team to support the entire Travelocity database architecture and operations needs.

In 2007, she founded PalominoDB, a Boutique MySQL database operations firm. Over 7 years, she built it to a multi-million dollar organization of 22 people, supporting such clients as Obama for America, Technorati, Gaia Online, Echosign (Adobe), Tapulous (Disney Mobile), Activision Call of Duty, LiveJournal and more.

Late 2013, she merged with DriveDev, her DevOps and transformation partner to form, specializing in full-stack operations transformation, with great depth in open source persistence tiers. Quickly realizing that the potential market was much larger, she and her co-founders chose to be acquired by Pythian, to create critical mass in the space.

  • Work
    • Pythian
  • Education
    • on the streets