Laura Shapiro
Software Engineer in Brooklyn, New York
Hi! I’m Laura. I’m a web developer living in Brooklyn, New York.
I am presently employed by Eikos Partners, where I work with Vue, Vuetify, Node.js, Webpack, Jest, Cypress, Electron, OpenFin, among other technologies.
As a solo side project, I am especially pleased with my React/Redux implementation of Minesweeper, which I play regularly. I also enjoy creating Tampermonkey userscripts for my own use.
I attended Flatiron school in Winter 2016, where I we emphasized project-based learning. Two of those full-featured web applications are deployed to Heroku: Card Collector (Ruby on Rails) and Debt Free (Rails API backend, React/Redux front end).I have also worked on a few side projects while attending Flatiron, including Movie Notebook (Rails, also on Heroku).