Laura Weathered

Consultant, Project Manager, and Artist in Chicago, Illinois

Laura Weathered, is a visual artist and cultural activist, dedicated to building sustainable creative communities through collaboration and cooperative ownership. Laura applies creative skills to practical problems within a community context. She is Executive Director at NNWAC, a nationally recognized artist directed non-profit organization that initiated an arts district in 1986 Wicker Park centered in the Flat Iron Gallery. NNWAC contributed to local arts planning research, advocated for policy changes and organized artists to design/build/manage artist work/live space completed in 2003, offering a significant hedge against gentrification as owners. She earned an MFA at USC in visual artist, completed post-graduate work in Urban Development at Spertus, as well as the Entrepreneurial Workshop with Bill Strickland associated with the Harvard Business School.

  • Education
    • University of Southern California
    • Spertus Institute for Jewish Learning and Leadership