laura paladini
Buenos Aires - Argentina
Born in BA/Argentina in 1974
Lived in Illinois/USA between NOV1975-SEP1980, then back to Argentina
Played CPM games on an OSBORNE-first portable computer, in 1985
Edited school papers on XYWrite from 1986 until MSWord
Send my first DOS email thru UUCP in 1992 on a PC286
My first dialing to and from a cell phone was in 1994
Did my first web-search thru YAHOO in 1995 regarding TELEMARKETING, for a college paper
My first paid internship happened tks to college hallway chatting in 1995
My first traditional job happened tks to a sunday-newspaper-search in 1997
I've been working in the telecoms industry since 1997
Placed my first purchase thru AMAZON in 2001
Bachellor in Social Communications in 2003
Got married in 2005
Signed in TRIPADVISOR in 2006, LinkedIN-2007, Facebook-2008, Twitter-2011
Won a trip to Brazil rewarding my expertice as an Executive Assistant in 2009
My last job offering happened thru LinkedIN (AUG2015)