Laura Haber

General Adjuster and Umpire in Conifer, Colorado

Laura Haber has decades of expertise in the insurance industry as a general contractor and claims adjustor. Haber is now President of Claims Master, Inc. in Colorado, where she creates sophisticated, unique estimates with the most up-to-date, accurate software tools.

Haber specializes in commercial, residential, and general liability claims, as well as farm, agricultural, and building fault claims, as well as dispute resolution. She has been working in the profession for almost two decades.

Haber has worked in the insurance industry for most of his career. She is a seasoned professional who has handled even the most difficult issues.
Haber specializes in residential, commercial, and disputed claims as President of Claims Master, Inc. Conifer, Colorado, is a small town in Central Colorado, just outside of Denver. Haber and her staff are now able to serve the entire state from one location.

Haber started her insurance career in 1995 in Florida, offering legal expense insurance to small business owners. She worked as a claims adjustor after Hurricane Wilma wreaked havoc in 2005.

Haber worked in the Litigations and Disputed Claims unit of Citizens Property Insurance Corporation during this time, as well as doing catastrophe work for State Farm.

Laura Haber's life was turned upside down in 2012. She was hired as a General Contractor by a prominent construction company. The company, which was situated in Colorado, paid for her to relocate there to take this job. Haber earned her license as a General Contractor in 2014.