Lauren Labrecque, Ph.D.

chicago, il

Lauren is an assistant professor of Marketing at Loyola University Chicago. She completed her Ph.D. in Marketing at theUniversity of Massachusetts Amherst (2010) and holds a master's degree in Digital Media Studies from the University of Denver. Before pursing her doctorate she held the position of Director of Database Systems and Multimedia Communications at the Isenberg School of Management, UMass Amherst, and provided Internet marketing consulting to small businesses, primarily in the area of web design and search engine marketing.

Her research interests include interactive / digital marketing, social media, consumer information management, sensory marketing, and branding. Professor Labrecque has presented her research at academic conferences including the American Marketing Association; Academy of Marketing Science, Association for Consumer Research, Society for Consumer Psychology, Public Policy and Marketing Conference, and Society for Marketing Advances. Her research is published or forthcoming at theJournal of the Academy of Marketing Science, Journal of Retailing, Journal of Interactive Marketing,Marketing Letters, Journal of Brand Management, Journal of Consumer Affairs, and Journal of Advertising Education.

  • Work
    • Loyola University Chicago