Leah Burgess

Some where in time

Spent my life taking care of otheres now I am taking care of my Son my Daughter my two Grandsons and Spending my life with the most wonderful man I have ever met. Once in a life time you meet someone and you know that that is the person that you will take your last breath with. You learn that time is not to be taken for granted. That every day is a blessing. Every line in your face you have earned and is a reminder of where you have been. Love is presious to you and every tear you cry has meaning. Every touch you feel appreciate and you spend every second you are away from that person waiting for their return. Yet you feel as close to them as if they are here with you. Your children are your rewards and the laughter is a goal not an annoyance. A smile is a reward from them never looked upon as just a expression. These are the things that near death have taught me. Life is short. I love my life. I love what it has to offer. And I thank God for giving me the chance to share it with the people the people I have.