Ken Curtis

Web Developer in Dalyan, Turkey

Ken Curtis

Web Developer in Dalyan, Turkey

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The name black rabbit was given to me on hikes up over the mountain from our house in Candir to Ekincik Beach in Turkey because I always disliked being at the back of the group of hikers and would always dart out into the lead. I have lived a number of places in Texas, Colorado, New Mexico, Arizona, Toronto, Canada, Turkey and several other places you've never heard of and likely never will anytime soon. One place I spent some time at was on a cattle ranch near McLean, Texas. While at the ranch my brother and I got the idea to return to the south coast of Turkey where we both had spent time before. We both had lived in a place called Çamyuva where he had built a house several years before.

So, off we went and landed on the south coast of Turkey at the Dalaman International Airport about 14 hours later. From there we went to the resort town of Dalyan just minutes up the Dalyan Cayı (river) from Iztuzu Beach on the Mediterranean Sea. From Dalyan we went even further to a mountain village about 15 kilometers from Dalyan called Gökbel. It is a small delightful village overlooking the Mediterranean Sea and the beach at the foot of the mountains. About 6 months later we moved to the other side of Dalyan behind the ruins of the ancient city of Kaunos to another small, yet amazing little village overlooking Iztuzu Beach called Çandır. It was in Çandır where I met my wife Ellis, who is from the Netherlands. After several years we decided to move to northern France to assist her aging parents who lived there in an old French farmhouse.

The flight this time took us to Brusells, Belgium from which we drove south to the French border through the town of Chimay (of Belgian beermaking fame) and through the forests of northern France to arrive at their rural farmhouse in France. This region of France would be far more inhabited and beautiful place to live if wasn't for the weather. The forecast for northern France is alway rain, rain and more rain and so as of September 2013 were off to the cattle ranch in Texas for some sunshine and friendly faces. After almost a year on the ranch in the middle of nowhere in Texas with snowy winters and lemon-sized hail and tornadoes in the summer - it was time to return to the south coast of Turkey to wallow in paradise in one of the most beautiful places on earth.