Jayce Pei Yu Lee

Taipei, Taiwan

Jayce 積極的傾聽並同步綜合匯總所聽到的文字與對話,透過視覺圖像與比喻協助與會者「看見」他們所要表達的想法,進而在這旅程中凝聚集體共識與智慧。


她是MG Taylor Methodology(www.mgtaylor.com)創意網絡的實踐者,深信集體智慧的力量。自2010年起迄今與The Value Web (www.thevalueweb.org)共同合作參與世界經濟論壇夏季達沃斯的創新計劃,目前是中英文雙語的視覺記憶工作者。

Jayce is big at heart, small in size, organic in spirit.

She actively listens, tracks and synthesizes spoken words, drawing in real time, connecting people to see their thoughts through visual forms and metaphors, linking and tapping into the emergence of collective genius along the journey.

She’s born and grown up in Taipei, Taiwan, studied typographic design and graduated with Bachelor of Fine Arts from University of Canterbury while she lived in New Zealand for 8 years. She has a diverse professional experience ranged from graphic design, visual merchandising and retail marketing and sales for over 10 years, she’s devoted her time in graphic facilitation, knowledge working and bilingual graphic recording (Mandarin/English) using MGTaylor Methodology, and collaborated with the Value Web at Summer Davos in China since 2010, setting footprints and traveling around continents and now mainly in Asia Pacific regions, she’s also collaborated extensively with global companies and diverse sectors worldwide.

Jayce holds strong of her heritage and honors equality and freedom of humanity. She believes that as a committed individual can plays a vital part in the systemic change that makes meaningful impacts to the world through vigorous creative thinking and action, one step at a time. She’s also visually engaged with the IDEAS CHINA program since 2012, a NGO program collaborates with MIT and Tsinghua University that facilitates stakeholders from social, political, business, and academic sectors in China through Theory U process, building the foundation for transformational impact within these sectors in the coming years.

In between her works and travels, Jayce enjoys outdoors and explores the possibilities of thoughts become things, connects with the inner source that heighten her awareness and intuition as a humble human being.

  • Education
    • School of Fine Arts, University of Canterbury New Zealand