Lee Troxler
Business Builder in Santa Barbara, California
Lee Troxler
Business Builder in Santa Barbara, California
So chops to the folks who want to run Carthage, but storming it is more fun. Yeah, I’m a campaign guy. Higher the wall, further the fall. So the body is bruised, but the sprit intact. This new musical satire podcast is the most important campaign yet—offering a generation an opportunity to get even, and have fun doing it.
⭐️ Producer/Writer of the barely fiction musical satire podcast, at Extreming.com
⭐️ Founding partner in tech startups including: Scredible PLC, OurCountry, Farmdex, eMarketing Messages
⭐️ Written/ghosted 16 books including: Killing Wealth, Freeing Wealth; A Nation Forsaken; How to Really Use LinkedIn; Along Wit’s Trail: The Humor & Wisdom of Ronald Reagan; Out of Order
⭐️ Producer/Writer of 3 documentary films including:On Native Soil: The Documentary of the 9/11 Commission Report
⭐️ Direct marketer for clients including: Intuit, BASF, AAA, Citrix, Agora
⭐️ Fundraising specialist for clients including: Jimmy Carter's Habitat for Humanity
⭐️ Press and speechwriter for 3 U.S. Presidents
⭐️ UCLA Student Government Board of Control
⭐️ Eagle Scout
⭐️ Tap Dancing Sensation