Leo Kanell

Consultant, Small Business Owner, and Public Speaker in Salt Lake City, Utah

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Leo Kanell Leo is the Founder & CEO of 7 Figures Funding, the 7 Figures Club Podcast, and Co-Founded the My Figures Fintech App & hosts the Go Figure Show on Youtube.

He authored the best selling book on Amazon, the Business Funding Formula.

He and his teams have secured over Half a billion in funding for thousands of clients.

Leo's calling is to provide funding for startups and newer small business owners with aggressive funding solutions on his funding marketplace and powerful education to empower his clients.

He also has pioneered the buildout of the premier funding partner portal tracking software, with over 8,000 users nationwide. Loan brokers, consultants and coaches

are able to quickly secure funding for their clients at a 0% rate for up to 20 months to build their dream business.

Leo is a Husband, Father of 5, Speaker, Author and fights for relentless fitness endeavors. He, his wife Jill and their 5 kids reside in Lehi, Utah where they wakeboard in the summer and snowboard in the winter.

  • Work
    • 7 Figures Funding
  • Education
    • University of Utah