Leonardo Porrés

Art Director, Photographer, and web Designer in Praga, Chequia

Leonardo Porrés

Art Director, Photographer, and web Designer in Praga, Chequia

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An Aries born, a leader innate, another Italian Leonardo, who is fearless to imagine the world through a new perspective. I understand the Communication as a form of Art. An art, that must be Crafted and Mastered with the Experience.

Two decades producing Design and Creative projects for Europe, Asia, North and South America, in the fields of Creativity, Advertising, Design, and Web. I worked closely with the Editorial market, writing, making proofreading and professional advising on their future publications. Reflective, I post frequently, my thoughts, guiding people through motivational words and encouragement.

Driven by curiosity, my insatiate appetite for knowledge, the muses are awaken by a broad range of sources, between them, the Architecture, the Sculpture, the Painting, the Music, the Poetry, the Typography, the Films, and so the list goes on. Self-taught, in most of the cases, I managed to learn more than six languages, and in the road for learning new ones.

Ambitious, resilient, brave enough to start from scratch, self-working to be, The Next Uomo Universale.

  • Education
    • Communication. Advertising Degree
    • Universidad de Belgrano